Solo Club -  Is a children’s club that has been designed to develop confidence and communication in children through learning acting skills based around voice and movement.


About Us

Our mission is to empower every child, no matter what their background or social position with the tools, skills and confidence to be able to communicate and interact in every situation.


As an actor and movement coach, I can help nurture and support your child with:
  • Confidence and Communication
  • Public Speaking and Social Interaction
  • Relaxation and Breathing
  • Posture and Alignment

Classes encourage experimentation and imagination and are structured around games, music, songs and exercises that will not only develop your child's individual vocal skills, physical expression, movement and posture but also their collaborative skills and understanding. It complements the valuable lessons they learn in school and reinforces the four R’s of the curriculum – Reciprocity, Resilience, Reflective and Resourceful.

Contact Amanda anytime to  learn more about the Solo Club:

Tel: 07740 783500 


Facebook  - Solotime4u (Solo Club)

The Solo Club

The Solo Club is not about showcasing your child's performing talents in an end of year show or public performance, rather, it is about nurturing and developing life skills for all their future social situations and interactions. However, clearly should children wish to participate in performing arts shows etc, these classes will equip them with the fundamental tools for the stage and other mediums.

Amanda is experienced, fun to work with and completely professional. 


"Amanda knows how to get the best from each child"-- Nicky

"I think Solo Club is quite unique and is a great way to boost children confidence" -- Cheryl